Jahrsgabe Edition 2019

Alex Coetzee

Alex Coetzee is a registered architect, architectural educator and artist living and working in Cape Town, South Africa. He practices as an architect at Wolff Architects and is an adjunct lecturer at the University of Cape Town School of Architecture. He holds a M.Arch with distinction from the University of Cape Town and a Post Graduate Diploma in Printmaking from the Michaelis School of Fine Art.

Since 2017, he has been practicing an ongoing representational project that is concerned with the mediation between lived spatial experience and image. His working process involves chance encounters with the outside world — walking, running and driving through natural landscapes — which are mediated through the lens of everyday contemporary technology. Through this he asks questions about perception, representation and spatial presence.

Jahresgabe Edition 2019

A 1.01
A 1.01 - taken
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A 1.02 - taken
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A 1.03 - taken
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A 1.04 - taken
A 1.05
A 1.05 - taken
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A 1.07 - taken
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A 1.08 - taken
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A 1.10 - taken
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A 1.11 - taken
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A 1.12 - taken
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A 1.13 - taken
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A 1.15
A 1.15 - taken
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A 1.16 - taken
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A 1.18 - taken
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